This is a transformation using concept of Content Enricher Pattern: Below example take 2 payloads that stored in 2 variables (input1, input2).input1 is payload send from source system.input2 is payload externally get from external system via API call. input1 contain
Import External Jars File and Run Groovy Script in Mule 4
DataWeave language is the primary expression language in Mule 4, and is encourage to use DataWeave whenever possible. However for practicality or for whatever reason, there is always some scenario that one wish to use other general purpose programming language,
DataWeave – Transform Flat Structure to Nested using groupBy, map, mapObject and orderBy
In previous post, transformed nested structure to flat. In this post example will do the reverse, transform flat structure back to original nested format, using nested groupBy, map, mapObject and orderBy. Flat Json to Nested Json Requirements:1) nested group by
DataWeave – Transform Nested Structure to Flat using map and flatten
Nested Json to Flat Json This example show usage of DataWeave to transform nested json structure to flat json structure. i break them into step 1 and 2 to better illustrate the transformation. Input Json: After Step 1: After Step