In previous post Async/Sync bridge is established via modules at sender file adapter. This post will perform Async/Sync bridge via modules at receiver RFC adapter. The high level overview still the same: Detailed overview: Now the modules is configured at
ASync/Sync Bridge File-RFC-File using Modules at Sender Adapter
This post demonstrated an example of ASync/Sync bridge using adapter module. High level overview: An input file send asynchronous request to SAP PI, SAP PI route the request to synchronous RFC to return synchronous RFC result. SAP PI route the
Collection of PI/PO Sync-Async/Async-Sync Bridge with BPM or with module
Below are compilation of PI/PO Sync-Async/Async-Sync Bridge with BPM or with module found on various sites. These bookmarks are for my later reference. Configuring Async/Sync Bridge on SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration PDF by Alexander Bundschuh Configuring Sync/Async Bridge on SAP
BPM – Simple iFlow to BPM to iFlow and Calling Operation Mapping in BPM
This post show a simple example of connection from source iFlow to BPM, call an Operation Mapping in BPM, then send output to target iFlow. The flow : a. Sender (BC_S1) send a text file contain message FirstNameLastName via sender
Enterprise Integration Patterns – Stateless – Content-Based Router
Content-based router is a pattern to route messages to different receivers, based on content from message. Example: File R1_AAA.txt have first column with value “R1”, then route this message to receiver BC_R1 File R2_BBB.txt have first column with value “R2”,
Enterprise Integration Patterns – Summary
This post act as a summary page contain various useful documents/links gathered from the web, and integration patterns scenario that I had tested. Tested: | Enterprise Integration Patterns – Stateless – Content-Based Router Reference: | Enterprise Integration Pattern
Simple File To File with Dummy Interface using NWDS, iFlow and ICO
In past post, will copy any file to file with dummy interface using integration directory only. In this post, will achieve the thing but in SAP PO AEX, using NWDS, iFlow and ICO. Objective: Create a scenario where file
SAP PO AEX Java Only Integration Flow (iFlow) and Integrated Configuration
Integrated Configuration The main different we can see from Integration Directory is, there no longer have those old faithful classic 4 objects (sender agreement, receiver determination, interface determination and receiver agreement). Instead, replaced with Integrated Configuration (also known as ICO).
NWDS – Initial Setup to Make It Run
Below are list of steps i had done to make NWDS run at my windows 2008 server PI AEX: 1. Install JAVA JDK with 32-bits version. I used version “jdk1.6.0_45”. Only 32-bits JAVA version supported. 2. Install SAP NWDS. 3.
ccBPM – Merge Two Files into One File using Fork, Correlation and Transformation
This is an example to merge 2 files into 1 file using SAP PI ccBPM. Some points to considers: The contents from 2 files will be merged into 1 file, based on same ID. File part A might be available