This is a scenario to use SOAPUI tool to trigger web service via sender SOAP adapter, then convert to output file via receiver file adapter.
Create graphical iFlow view:
Sender system = BC_SOAP_A
Receiver system = BC_B
Sender service interface = SI_4COL_OUT
Receiver service interface = SI_4COL_IN
Operation Mapping = OM_4COL_TO_4COL
Message Mapping = MM_4COL_TO_4COL
Activate and deploy iFlow, ICO will automatically generated.
Create WDSL web service file from integration directory.
Do not use Propose URL, use below url template.
Template = http://<hostname>:<port>/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?channel=<party>:<service>:<channel>
Actual = http://w08r2x64po:50000/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?channel=:BC_SOAP_A:IF_SOAP2FILE_MAPPING_SND_SOAP_A
select sender interface
select sender system
Overview before generate wsdl file. Click finish.
wsdl file generated. Save to local workstation. File name = “SI_4COL_OUT.wsdl”
WDSL file:
Download and install SOAPUI tool. Create new SOAP project..
Enter project name SOAP2FILE and browse to wsdl file
Click “Request 1”. Enter Username and password. Enter value W, X, Y, Z at source message MT_4COL. Finally click “Play” button. right-side windows will return an empty soap envelop.
Congrat! Now successful triggered web service call using SOAPUI, and output file were created.
Message monitoring
Message Log and Message payload
SOAP Adapter – SOAP2FILE using SOAPUI, NWDS, iFlow and ICO
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Hi Buddy,
Great document, followed the steps, but I’m getting the following error in the logs and the message cancells automatically, but it creates the file, which is weird :s
Logs as follows:
3/13/2019 10:27:10.294 PM Information File Adapter Receiver Channel IF_SOAP2FILE_SOAPUI_TESTONLY_CC_RCV_FILE_B: Start processing; party ” ” / service “BC_FILE_RCV”
3/13/2019 10:27:10.295 PM Information Write to file “E:\usr\sap\DP5\EAI\SOAPInbound\SOAP_20190313-222710-294.txt” as binary, size 191 bytes
3/13/2019 10:27:10.298 PM Information Start converting XML document content to plain text
3/13/2019 10:27:10.299 PM Information File processing finished
3/13/2019 10:27:10.313 PM Error Transmitting the message using connection SOAP_ failed, due to: Error encountered while executing mapping: Could not determine mapping steps for message dbe6bda0-930e-4dbc-3a61-d30b63bc465
Fixed man, it was the operation!. thanks for this extremely useful!