Integrated Configuration
The main different we can see from Integration Directory is, there no longer have those old faithful classic 4 objects (sender agreement, receiver determination, interface determination and receiver agreement). Instead, replaced with Integrated Configuration (also known as ICO).
Prior to ICO, all relevant ID objects is scattered, we have to remember to assign all relevant ID objects into Configuration Scenario, then only able to make some sense and understand the flow of the integration scenario.
ICO tab “Inbound Processing” is same function with classic “Sender Agreement”
ICO tab “Receiver” is same function with classic “Receiver Determination”
ICO tab “Receiver Interfaces” is same function with classic “Interface Determination”
ICO tab “Outbound Processing” is same function with classic “Receiver Agreement”
Integration Flow (iFlow)
See below reference link for a great introduction of iFlow. I see iFlow is an alternative and graphical way to configure integration directory. In my opinion, the biggest advantage of iFlow is able to see overview of integration scenario from start until end in one graphical view. This help to understand the scenario easier and won’t lost track if you design complex integration scenario, especially if those scenario were not initially designed by you.

Keep on posting 🙂

SAP PO AEX Java Only Integration Flow (iFlow) and Integrated Configuration
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