One Company can have multiple Company Code.
One Company Code assigned to only one Company.
The relationship between Company and Company Code is One-to-Many.
One Company Code can have multiple Sales Organization.
One Sales Organization assigned to only one Company Code.
The relationship between Company Code and Sales Org3anization is One-to-Many.
One Sales Organization can have multiple Distribution Channel.
One Distribution Channel can assigned to multiple Sales Organization.
The relationship between Sales Organization and Distribution Channel is Many-to-Many.
One Sales Organization can have multiple Division.
One Division can assigned to multiple Sales Organization.
The relationship between Sales Organization and Division is Many-to-Many.
Sales Area is combination of one Sales Organization, one Distribution Channel and one Division.
Sales Office assigned to Sales Area.
Sales Group assigned to Sales Office.
One Company Code can have multiple Plant.
One Plant assigned to only one Company Code.
The relationship between Company Code and Plant is One-to-Many.
One Plant can have multiple Shipping Point.
One Shipping Point can assigned to multiple Plant.
The relationship between Plant and Shipping Point is Many-to-Many.
One Shipping Point can have multiple Loading Point.
One Loading Point assigned to only one Shipping Point.
The relationship between Shipping Point and Loading Point is One-to-Many.
One Plant can assigned to multiple combination of Sales Organization and Distribution Channel.
Each combination of Sales Organization and Distribution Channel can do business from multiple Plant.
The relationship between Plant and combination of Sales Organization and Distribution Channel is Many-to-Many.
SD Enterprise Structure
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